Saturday, 1 March 2014

What's hiding in the shadows?

Everything about 'us' as living beings 

...has a duel aspect. 

In fact, everything we see around us possesses duality,

having a contrasting part of itself. 

If you condemn yourself for fear,

then you condemn yourself for love also.

 For they are one and the same thing, their own contrast.

We cannot have one without the other.

 We cannot know what love 'is' without knowing fear. 
We cannot know sweet without knowing sour,
 or anger without knowing joy, masculine without knowing feminine.

 We embody all of this contrast....

so we must embrace it all, to have full acceptance of self ..... 

it's there for a reason!

To know self, and thus, to know all that is.... we have
to know how to LOVE our negative aspect.
All the time we dismiss our anger, vulnerability, sadness, anxiety and pain,
we only succeed in dismissing, or disguising, a valuable part of ourselves. 
It is this part of self which offers (relentlessly sometimes) our opportunity to
really know self and love self. 

It is within this aspect, we find peace, truth and wisdom.

This is what is meant by someone who is truly 'Soul Searching'.
They are courageous enough to search that part of self deemed UGLY by society. They want to see all parts of self and finally understand WHY they are the way they are. Why they feel a certain way about certain things. Why they fear the things they fear and why they think the way they think.

By finding the root of personal fear, we find a new way to think!

Any fool can design an appealing SHOP FRONT to their personality. One that fits all the boxes of what it apparently IS to be a normal, well rounded, emotionally stable, successful human being.........then bury all the rest (the true person) in boxes out the back!

There's only one problem with doing this..... your real self won't stay buried in those damn boxes!   It's like trying to contain an army of ants in a bowl. These 'ants' reveal themselves usually as disease in the body. It can take years and then suddenly POW! We wake up one day at the doctors office wondering what happened? 
The answer to that is buried emotion, which slowly transforms itself into physical cell degeneration order to release the pressure.


We need to be prepared to look at the truth

to find our real beauty!

If I shout, I know there's buried pain.

If I cry, I know there's buried pain.

If I panic, I know there's buried pain.

If I want to run away, I know there's buried pain.

If I age quickly, I know there's buried pain.

If I'm ill, I know there's buried pain......

If there's buried pain, I don't approve of me.

If I don't approve of me, I don't love me.

If I don't love me, then I am only existing ....

........with a need to please everyone BUT me!  

Anger, tears, fear illness and pain are gifts....

from us .... to us! 

These gifts invite you to search, to find out who you really are...away from the 'shop front' mentality. To stop being frightened of buried pain, but to begin loving it. 
Everything that causes pain, can also bring love. Quit apologising for your emotions. Apologise for the noise that goes with anger and not what makes you angry. Don't ask someone else to change, change yourself...... by being real about who you are.

Anger helps us notice what we don't like... and thus, move us to find out exactly why we don't like it. Question what happened! Take time to figure it out for yourself by working backwards to the first time you ever felt that way about similar situations. If your answer is 'he/she did it to me' 
you've not searched back far enough!!!! 

We cannot live a full, happy, healthy life if we spend most of our time hiding from who we are.

Take up your space...stand proud.....find your voice

No human being is more valuable than another.

Learning to love ALL of you...anger, joy, misery, laughter, failings, successes, etc puts you in a space where you don't have to hide. No stress. No illness. No fear. Loving self and ALL your aspects and dualities, is freedom and power. Inner power.Which will change all your thoughts and actions into ones which will serve your own purpose and personal fulfilment.

From this, our outer world changes to fit our true identity.

To love self, without restriction, leads us to love all that simply IS.... unconditionally, without restriction. And when that happens........the world really is your oyster!

 Wishing you a wonderful day, Kerry Lucienne x

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